15 miles. (I did read the whole thing.)

BTW, Science is not science any more. When I was growing up I was given a definition for science and I (naturally) thought that I was given THE definition and I could rely on that definition when in conversation with people. In other words, people with some notion of what science is and were happy and confident in their use of the word actually agreed on the definition. Boy was I wrong! Now it seems that there is no generally accepted and common definition of the word. Whenever I hear or read the word science I immediately wonder if they mean science when they use the word. Many times they mean science to mean what some scientist said. So, science depends to what some scientist said? What scientist? Who said what? Can the scientist be trusted? Why should I believe a thing just because someone said it when I don't know I can trust the scientist or the person quoting the scientist? Generally speaking, I don't trust people at all. It is much better to do my own thinking even if I make mistakes. At least they are MY mistakes and I can acknowledge them and change my mind on a thing. The saddest situation is when I encounter someone that is unable to deal constructively with contradictory evidence. And that harks to the concept of black and white thinking. And that, in turn is not about race!!!! Either you get it or you don't but that is not my problem. It's on you.

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